In Kashmir, a complex narrative unfolds as societal expectations and familial pressures shape the destinies of the youth. Parental dreams for their children often lead to a generation grappling with underdog status, obediently living choreographed lives. The pressure to conform, exemplified by the intense competition in exams like NEET, takes a toll on mental health. Individuals like Inayat navigate beyond borders for medical education due to financial constraints. Stories of students like Sofiya and Saima reveal emotional struggles, isolation, and the toll of adhering to predetermined paths. The region witnesses a subtle revolution as some, like Saima, challenge expectations, opting to return home and pursue alternative paths. The educational exodus reflects limitations within Kashmir, prompting students to seek specialized education abroad. These narratives underscore a generation's struggle for autonomy, self-discovery, and happiness amidst societal expectations, creating a nuanced portrait caught between tradition and modernity.