Published February 11. 2021 5:18PM John S. Johnson It’s with great pleasure that I write the newspaper to not only refute disparaging information provided by David Collins’s column Feb. 9 , but to also talk about the mud-slinging campaign he is waging against the Connecticut Port Authority and its members. It’s uncalled for and serves no purpose other than to undermine the efforts of the authority to rebuild State Pier for the betterment of all of Connecticut – not just New London. But let me address his accusations and innuendo about my ownership of a 35,000-square-foot commercial building on Crystal Avenue in New London. I have owned that building since 1999, have paid my fair share of taxes, and employed as many as 50 people when I owned a machine shop that I relocated from Essex. To read about Collins accusing me of a conflict of interest by sitting and voting on the port authority makes my blood boil.