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The daily 20-second mindfulness trick that can bring instant
The daily 20-second mindfulness trick that can bring instant
The daily 20-second mindfulness trick that can bring instant stress relief
Researcher Eli Susman came up with the idea after embarking on a month-long meditation retreat at The Plum Village Buddhist monastery. A daily micro practice...
Related Keywords
Dordogne ,
Nord Pas De Calais ,
France ,
California ,
United States ,
Eli Susman ,
Mood Research Clinic ,
University Of California Berkeley ,
Behaviour Research ,
Researcher Eli Susman ,
Plum Village Buddhist ,
Golden Bear Sleep ,
The ,
Daily ,
20second ,
Mindfulness ,
Trick ,
That ,
Can ,
Bring ,
Instant ,
Stress ,
Relief ,
Researcher ,
Susman ,
Came ,
With ,
Idea ,
After ,
Embarking ,
Monthlong ,
Meditation ,
Retreat ,
Plum ,
Village ,
Buddhist ,
Monastery ,