The correct attitude toward Jesus' crucifixion JavaScript in your web browser. Please Engaging views and analysis from outside contributors on the issues affecting society and faith today. CP VOICES do not necessarily reflect the views of The Christian Post. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s). CP Current Page: Voices | The correct attitude toward Jesus' crucifixion The correct attitude toward Jesus' crucifixion Rev. Nolan J. Harkness is the President and CEO of Nolan Harkness Evangelistic Ministries Inc. | Courtesy of Nolan Harkness What is the correct attitude concerning what Jesus did for us on the cross? God understood when He created the plan of animal sacrifices for sins that most people depended on having farm animals for their daily needs. He also knew that each year during Passover they had to take a sacrifice to the temple from their own herd, and that their sacrifice had to be flawless and be a choice pick from all their animals. It was God’s design that everyone would have a sorrowful heart, knowing that this innocent animal they raised would have to give its life because of their bad choices. God understood how bad sin was. He also understood that it could destroy someone’s life. His plan of the sacrifice was to deter His children from continuing to sin.