Sök The board of directors of OssDsign has resolved on a fully guaranteed rights issue of approximately SEK 240 million in combination with an over-allotment option of approximately SEK 30 million NOT FOR RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION OR PUBLICATION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONGKONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEELAND, SINGAPORE, SOUTH AMERICA, SWITZERLAND OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION OR PUBLICATION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL OR REQUIRE REGISTRATION OR ANY OTHER MEASURES. OTHER RESTRICTIONS ARE APPLICABLE. PLEASE SEE THE SECTION “IMPORTANT INFORMATION” AT THE END OF THIS PRESS RELEASE. The board of directors of OssDsign AB (publ) (”OssDsign” or the ”Company”) has resolved on a rights issue of shares with preferential rights for the Company’s existing shareholders of approximately SEK 240 million (the “Rights Issue”). The Rights Issue is fully covered by subscription undertakings and guarantee commitments. Certain existing shareholders have entered into subscription commitments, amongst others SEB Venture Capital, Karolinska Development, Fourietransform, Lancelot Asset Management, Nordic Cross, Modelio Equity and members of the Company’s board of directors and management team, including amongst others CEO Morten Henneveld, chairman of the board Simon Cartmell and board member Newton Aguiar, as well as undertakings from Linc to receive and utilise subscription rights (and corresponding undertakings from the existing shareholder to transfer such subscription rights). Furthermore, guarantee commitments have been provided by certain existing shareholders, amongst others Lancelot Asset Management, Modelio Equity and external investors including Linc, NYIP (Nyenburgh Holding BV) and Thomas Eklund. In addition, it is proposed that the board of directors is authorized to resolve on an over-allotment option of up to approximately SEK 30 million (the “Over-allotment Option”), conditional upon the Rights Issue being oversubscribed.