by Bajan Reporter / May 5th, 2021 The Barbados Cancer Society and Under-15 cricket sensations – twins, Daniel and Darius Joseph are among the latest recipients of thoughtful gifts from IGT Global Services Limited (IGT), manager and operator of The Barbados Lottery, through a recent donation of PPE equipment, sanitization products and $1,000 in gift vouchers, respectively. The PPE contributions were part of an ongoing series of outreach activities by IGT and COVID-19 in the healthcare, youth and education sectors. Mr. Ferdinand Lord, Site Operations Manager (second left), and Ms. Kellee King-Campbell, Brand and Public Relations Manager (third left) of The Barbados Lottery and Dr. Dorothy Cooke-Johnson, President, Barbados Cancer Society (seated) along with other members of the Barbados Cancer Society, take a moment to showcase some of the PPEs recently donated by IGT and The Barbados Lottery.