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Thank you "Cycle the Erie Canal" donors and volunteers in Sp
Thank you "Cycle the Erie Canal" donors and volunteers in Sp
Thank you "Cycle the Erie Canal" donors and volunteers in Spencerport – Westside News Inc
“Cycle the Erie Canal,” an annual event of Parks & Trails NY, came through Spencerport on Monday, July 10, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. More than 63
Related Keywords
Village Of Spencerport ,
New York ,
United States ,
Oklahoma ,
Bahamas ,
The ,
Oregon ,
Spencerport ,
Texas ,
Erie Canal ,
Gary Penders ,
Carolj Nellis Ewell ,
Joe Baretta ,
Ginny Parker ,
Jackie Sullivan ,
Tray Kuntz ,
David Haines ,
Don Fernberg ,
Keith Ryan ,
Economic Development ,
Spencerport Fire Department ,
Friendly ,
Spencerport Area Chamber ,
Erie Canal Path ,
President David Haines ,
Tops Friendly Markets ,
Spencerport Historian Ginny Parker ,
Mayor Gary Penders ,
Village Clerk Jackie Sullivan ,
Trustee Ray Kuntz ,
Karen Fien ,