For the first time in history, Date Night China is combining forces with monthly variety show Jing & Tonic to bring you a special game show-themed event featuring recreations of popular game shows like Blind Date, Stars in their Eyes, and Countdown. Expect audience participation, games, live music, and lots of laughter and merriment! Find out more and purchase tickets here.
RMB 200, RMB 160 (advance). 9pm. Xian Bar
For the first time, CandleX is hosting a dog event where you get the chance to bring your fluffy family out to socialize and share stories. Chill at two bars (with outdoor sections) in the Sanlitun area and enjoy drinks and snacks. If you have a story about your dog, you'll be invited to share it in an open mic style of four minutes each. You are also encouraged to bring a (clean and in good condition!) toy that your dog has gotten bored with for a fun exchange event. Places limited to 30 – sign up via the QR code in the event listing.