Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Texas' massive freeze left Texans feeling abandoned not only by leadership but by critics of the state who jeered at victims of the winter storm. Rather than judge the state by its politics, it's crucial to understand the state's diversity and history of voter suppression. Regardless of party lines, no human deserves to freeze to death in their own home. Jillian Goltzman is a freelance journalist covering culture, lifestyle, and social impact. Winter Storm Uri tore through Texas with a vengeance that uncovered just how poorly out-of-touch some politicians are in a crisis — and how uncouth people on the internet can be. Texans were forced to endure subfreezing temperatures for days without electricity, heat, and water amid a deadly pandemic. Republican leaders like Governor Greg Abbott incorrectly blamed green energy, and Senator Ted Cruz, both literally and figuratively, left his constituents out in the cold by fleeing to Cancun. Of all the reactions to the downfall of Texas' electric grid, one rang loud and clear on Twitter: "we told you so."