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Terence stopped to smell the roses, all because of Daisy : c
Terence stopped to smell the roses, all because of Daisy : c
Terence stopped to smell the roses, all because of Daisy
A 64-YEAR-OLD Yorkshire greyhound fanatic is still on track with his happiness goal after taking his most profitable “gamble” by moving to South-East Clare.
Related Keywords
Newmarket ,
Kilkenny ,
Ireland ,
Limerick City ,
Obriensbridge ,
Clare ,
Irish ,
South East Clare ,
Mary Crotty ,
Terence Roberts ,
Jane Houfton ,
Yorkshire Probation Service ,
University Of Huddersfield ,
North Wales ,
West Yorkshire ,
West Yorkshire Probation Service ,
Lar Burke ,
Limerick Stadium ,
Time Investigates ,