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Tensions over race and religion in France's presidential rac
Tensions over race and religion in France's presidential rac
Tensions over race and religion in France's presidential race
French voters head to the polls on Sunday in a run-off vote between centrist incumbent Emmanuel Macron and nationalist rival Marine Le Pen.
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Stanford ,
California ,
United States ,
La Plaine Saint Denis ,
France General ,
France ,
El Paso ,
Texas ,
New Zealand ,
Paris ,
Israel ,
Algeria ,
Pertuis ,
Provence Alpes Côd Azur ,
Pessac ,
Aquitaine ,
Palestinian ,
French ,
Charlie Hebdo ,
Marine Le Pen ,
Ludovic Marin ,
Cecile Alduy ,
Naila Ouazarf ,
George Floyd ,
Abdourahmane Ridouane ,
Eric Zemmour ,
Nacira Guenif ,
Amnesty International ,
National Front ,
Ms Le Pen National ,
With Ms Le Pen ,
Emmanuel Macron ,
France Presidential Election Debate ,
National Rally ,
France Presidential Election Racism ,
Associated Press ,
France Presidential Election ,
Sunday April ,
Prof Guenif ,