And this is the way it could all end: With humanity confronting an implacable force, virulent beyond any imagination. We cower and cling to the tenuous security of our homes, helplessly watching as friends and loved-ones succumb. The government, ill-equipped to cope with the challenge, eventually flounders and fails, and social norms collapse, surrendering civilization into the hands of the brutish and ignorant. But enough about 2020. Let’s talk zombies! Surprising to think that George Romero had a fifty-year head start in prepping us for the worst year in… well, if not human history, at least since that period in the Seventies when wide lapels were in style. And in the decades that followed, he and his colleagues continued to find ways to use the rising of animated corpses to deconstruct everything from consumer culture to the efficacy of government emergency systems to WWII heroics. In fact, the zombie genre has covered the gamut so thoroughly that filmmakers have pretty much run out of fertile environments in which to insinuate their walking dead. I mean, what’s next, zombies invading the Maori culture of pre-colonial New Zealand? Oh, wait.