Seven-year old Isabella Ramirez has always been a high-energy, bubbly kid—the kind who never seems to get sleepy no matter how much she runs around all day. She's tough, too, always popping right back up after a fall without so much as a peep. click to enlarge Photo Courtesy Of Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation SEASON OF HOPE Santa Maria resident Isabella Ramirez, 7, was diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 2019. This year, the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation donated hundreds of dollars' worth of Christmas gifts and decorations to her family. So her mom, Santa Maria resident Fabiola Ramirez, knew something was wrong when Isabella started lagging behind her siblings early last year, complaining about feeling tired constantly and of pain in her legs and head. Fabiola took Isabella to a doctor for a checkup, and in March 2019, Isabella was diagnosed with leukemia.