If parents have learned anything in the past year, it’s that teaching children is way harder than we thought — and man, do our kids’ teachers deserve recognition this Teacher’s Appreciation Week. Whether your kids have been in school five days a week, doing distance learning, or going hybrid, their teachers have been managing a lot more than they normally would. So how do we show them our appreciation with the right gifts? What do we get them and how much do we spend? This is never an easy answer. It’s about that time (again) to think about these things, because Teacher Appreciation Week is May 3-7 this year. Luckily, we spoke with some helpful teachers to get the lowdown on school gifting (real talk: They have enough scented candles). The consensus was that gift cards are your best bet. And we got Sharon Schweitzer, an international etiquette and modern manners expert, to weigh in with her own handy guide to school gift-giving. (And note: This guide was initially written with winter holiday giving in mind, but it applies just as well to Teacher Appreciation Week and end-of-school-year giving.)