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Targeting walleye :
Targeting walleye :
Targeting walleye
Members of the Clearwater-Lewis County chapter of the Idaho Farm Bureau spent a recent weekday on the Snake River where they caught and killed 69 walleye.
Related Keywords
Lyons Ferry ,
Washington ,
United States ,
Nez Perce ,
Idaho ,
Montana ,
Salmon River ,
Hells Canyon ,
Snake River ,
Columbia River ,
Oregon ,
Ed Schriever ,
Sheila Hasselstrom ,
Marika Dobos ,
Conservation Council ,
Idaho Farm Bureau ,
Idaho Department Of Fish ,
Bonneville Power Administration ,
Washington Department Of Fish ,
Clearwater Lewis County ,
Snake River Basin ,
Washington Department ,
Columbia River Basin ,
Lower Granite ,
Little Goose ,
Idaho Department ,
Northwest Power ,
Lower Granite Dam ,
Nez Perce Tribe ,
Hydrography ,
Chthyology ,
Oology ,
Iology ,
Eography ,
Politics ,
Agriculture ,
Tourism ,
Fishing ,
Ootechnics ,
Eteorology ,