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Taonga archival pictures of Aotearoa history returns to New
Taonga archival pictures of Aotearoa history returns to New
Taonga archival pictures of Aotearoa history returns to New Zealand ownership
A taonga archive featuring thousands of images illustrating aspect of Māori life from the early 20th century will be repatriated into public ownership -...
Related Keywords
Waikato ,
New Zealand ,
Waitangi ,
New Zealand General ,
Chatham Islands ,
Bastion Point ,
Taranaki ,
Southland ,
Manawatu ,
United States ,
Daniel Miller ,
Michael King ,
Los Angeles ,
Sophie Coupland ,
Gil Hanly ,
Timaru Herald ,
Tina Cross ,
Eva Rickard ,
Titewhai Harawira ,
Howard Morrison ,
Hone Tuwhare ,
Witi Ihimaera ,
Dame Rangim ,
Dalvanius Prime ,
Dun Mihaka ,
Patricia Grace ,
Rawiri Paratene ,
Billyt James ,
Dame Whina Cooper ,
Tangata Whenua ,
National Library ,
Fairfax Archives ,
Fairfax Archive ,
Duncan Miller Gallery ,
Fairfax Archive Collection ,
Sir Howard Morrison ,
Paul Moon ,
Aotearoa New ,
World War ,
Dominion Post ,
Manawatu Standard ,
Southland Times ,
Sunday Star Times ,
Taranaki Daily News ,
Waikato Times ,
Taonga ,
Archival ,
Pictures ,
Of ,
Aotearoa ,
History ,
Returns ,
To ,
New ,
Zealand ,
Ownership ,
Archive ,
Featuring ,
Thousands ,
Images ,
Illustrating ,
Aspect ,
Mori ,
Life ,
From ,
Early ,
20th ,
Century ,
Will ,
Repatriated ,
Into ,
Public ,
Thanks ,
Deal ,
Between ,
Foreign ,
Owner ,
National ,
Library ,