TANGEDCO’s Ennore SEZ project deviating from approved alignment: Activists According to local fisherfolk, Konamudukku Kalvai which is the area of the river being encroached by TANGEDCO is one of the most biologically productive segments in the area. Share Via Email | A+A A- File photo of fishing boats stranded at Ennore, during the lockdown, in Chennai. (File photo| R Satish Babu By Express News Service CHENNAI: Deviating entirely from the Union Environment Ministry-approved alignment for the coal conveyor corridor, TANGEDCO’s Ennore SEZ project is laying its corridor in an unapproved route by dumping illegally transported dredged sea sand and fly ash into waterbodies, including the Kosasthalai river’s tidal channel, claim environmental activists from Save Ennore Creek campaign.