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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Vitamin D could speed dementia:
《TAIPEI TIMES》 Vitamin D could speed dementia:
《TAIPEI TIMES》 Vitamin D could speed dementia: study - 焦點
DEFICIENCY QUESTIONS: A Taiwanese study suggests that lower levels of the vitamin could be a result and not a cause of the disease, and might accelerate its progressBy Lee I-chia / Staff reporter
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Taipei ,
T Ai Pei ,
Taiwan ,
Taiwanese ,
Lin Hui Chin ,
Hsu Chih Cheng ,
Juang Jyh Lyh ,
National Health Research Institutes ,
Institute Of Molecular ,
National Center ,
Welfare Research ,
Ministry Of Health ,
National Health Insurance ,
Taipei Times ,
Leei Chia ,
Genomic Medicine ,
自由時報 ,
Iberty Times Net ,
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