For pure joy in 2020, put all your favorite things together. We're now eating tacos, ice skating and even curling, in a parking lot. Outdoor activities and food trucks, two things we embraced in a big way in 2020 because we had to. To be honest with you, I haven't really minded it that much. So many restaurants and bars built great outdoor spaces and found fun ways to use their parking lots. They say that some of the best ideas are born out of necessity, and we have certainly found that to be true since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Coming soon to the parking lot of Rockford's Forest Plaza on E. State Street, from the Olivo Tacos (and Olivo Doorbusters) are about to blow your taco-eatin', ice-skatin' mind. And, if you've ever wanted to try curling, that sport we fall in love with every four years while watching the Winter Olympics, this is your spot.