Syria’s Initial Declaration on Chemical Weapons Stockpiles Not ‘Accurate and Complete’, Top Disarmament Official Tells Security Council Format Western States ‘Blackmailing Damascus’, Representative Says, as Members Differ over Compliance with Resolution 2118 (2013) Outstanding issues related to Syria’s initial declaration of its chemical weapons stockpile and programme still cannot be considered “accurate and complete”, the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs told the Security Council today via video‑teleconference, during her regular monthly briefing on the implementation of resolution 2118 (2013). High Representative Izumi Nakamitsu said the assessment by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is due to “identified gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies that remain unresolved”, in accordance with the Chemical Weapons Convention. The international community cannot yet have full confidence that Syria’s chemical weapons programme has been eliminated, she added.