May 25, 2021 The national Social Weather Survey of April 28– May 2, 2021 found 63% of adult Filipinos choosing the United States of America (USA) as their preferred source of Covid-19 vaccines. The survey also found Sinovac Biotech and Pfizer-BioNTech topping the list of preferred brands at 39% and 32%, respectively. At the time of the survey, over 7 million Covid-19 vaccines have been delivered to the Philippines. Most of these vaccines are China’s Sinovac (about 5 million), followed by United Kingdom’s Oxford-AstraZeneca (about 2.5 million) and Russia’s Gamaleya Sputnik (about 30,000). The first batch of Pfizer-BioNTech (around 193,000) COVID-19 vaccines arrived a week after the survey on May 10, 2021.