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Surprise! Monumental camel sculptures in Arabia are prehisto
Surprise! Monumental camel sculptures in Arabia are prehisto
Surprise! Monumental camel sculptures in Arabia are prehistoric, archaeologists find
Initially thought to be ‘only’ 2,000 years old, the life-size animal reliefs found in Saudi Arabia were actually carved nearly 8,000 years ago, during the Neolithic, when the desert was green
Related Keywords
Germany ,
Saudi Arabia ,
Al Jawf ,
Saudi Arabia General ,
Israel ,
Maria Guagnin ,
M Guagning Charloux ,
G Charlouxm Guagnin ,
Camel Site ,
Archaeological Science ,
Max Planck Institute ,
Human History ,
ஜெர்மனி ,
சவுதி அரேபியா ,
இஸ்ரேல் ,
தொல்பொருள் அறிவியல் ,
மனிதன் வரலாறு ,
Israel Archaeology ,
Camels ,
Sculpture ,
Eolithic ,