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Students learn the tricks and traps of running a film festiv
Students learn the tricks and traps of running a film festiv
Students learn the tricks and traps of running a film festival
In 12 short weeks, RMIT media students put together a film festival as part of their course. The theme of DIFF is first time filmmakers.
Related Keywords
Mornington ,
Victoria ,
Australia ,
Adelaide ,
South Australia ,
Melbourne ,
Giorgio Curcio ,
Peter Murphy ,
Terrence Malick ,
Susan Sarandon ,
David Bowie ,
Maya Varadarajan ,
Tongxin Zhai Jerry ,
Charlotte Sinnamon ,
Ben Smith ,
Tracey Moffatt ,
Catherine Deneuve ,
Riley Collins Dobricic ,
Elaine May ,
Amy Maher ,
Stuart Richards ,
Qilin Gao Kristina ,
Tony Scott ,
Peter Petrusma ,
Isaac Alexander Winzer ,
Media Communications ,
Debut International Film Festival ,
International Film Festival ,
School Of Media ,
Melbourne International Youth Film Festival ,
Bong Joon Ho ,
Cerise Howard ,
Melbourne Queer Film Festival ,
Down River ,
Isaac Alexander ,
Kaleide Theatre ,
New Leaf ,
Barking Dogs Never Bite ,
Bird Stupid ,
Forbidden Fruit ,
Severance Bay ,
Two Departeds ,
Tongxin Zhai ,
Qilin Gao ,
Kang Ning Zhao ,
O Grady Drama ,
Festival Experience ,
Studio Leader ,
New Normal International Film Festival ,
Melbourne Overlooked Film Festival ,
International Film ,