Twenty-one players went to bed with chips after Day 1 of the 2021 PokerStars SCOOP-93-H: $10,300 PLO [6-Max, PLO Main Event], $1.25M Gtd, but by the time play began on Day 2, twenty-four more names joined those ranks, building an overall prize pool of $1,350,000 between 134 entrants. After a roller coaster six-hour day, the final table of seven is set, with Joao "vovo_leo" Studart and a stack of 7,039,639 leading the pack. Studart spent the majority of the day wiping players from the tournament, including the elimination of "pkr_falk" on the bubble. Studart also was able to dispatch "Johan5390", Alexey "LuckyGump" Makarov and