Strategic Equity Capital Plc - Half-year Report PR Newswire HALF YEARLY REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SIX MONTH PERIOD ended 31 DECEMBER 2020 The full Half Yearly Report and Financial Statements can be accessed via the Company's website at: or by contacting the Company Secretary by telephone on 0131 378 0500. Copies of the announcement, annual reports, quarterly update presentations and other corporate information can be found on the Company's website at: FINANCIAL SUMMARY Net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary share 281.80p (17.7)% (20.8)% 63,296,844 Six month period to 18.1% 19.3% 1.35% 1.05p n/a High Introduction While Covid, and the response of governments and businesses, continues to dominate the landscape, in the UK at least, there are signs that the worst is now over. In the early days of the pandemic the investment universe was clearly divided into the perceived 'winners' and 'losers' with share prices following suit. From November to the end of the 2020 the mood changed abruptly: the approval of multiple Covid vaccines drove a 28% rally in the FTSE Small Cap Index with a particularly sharp rebound in cyclical sectors and in those companies that had been most severely impacted by the pandemic.