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Step into Glenn Kaino's magical and immersive forest install
Step into Glenn Kaino's magical and immersive forest install
Step into Glenn Kaino's magical and immersive forest installation
Glenn Kaino's magical forest inside a 28,000-square-foot L.A. space is an immersive journey that includes animatronic trees, fire illusions and interactive sound sculptures.
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Miami ,
Florida ,
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California ,
Boyle Heights ,
London ,
City Of ,
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Ukraine ,
America ,
Ukrainian ,
Priscilla Ahn ,
Kirill Yeretsky ,
Jesse Williams ,
Kittie Harloe ,
Los Angeles ,
Willem Verbeeck ,
Glenn Kaino ,
David Sitek ,
Laundi Keepseagle ,
Propulsion Laboratory ,
Hammer Museum ,
Ace Mission Studios ,
Conservation International ,
Northern California ,
For The Times ,
Standard Time ,
Towards Climate ,
Social Justice ,
Owns America ,
Karuk Tribe ,
Bill Tripp ,
Natural Resources ,
Standing Rock Sioux Reservation ,
Inside Kaino ,
High Seas ,
Moreton Bay ,
Angel City Lumber ,
Olvera Street ,
Mission Road ,