Statue at Tacoma's Eastside Community Center honors teen kil

Statue at Tacoma's Eastside Community Center honors teen killed by gang violence

Billy Ray Shirley, 17, was killed in an act of gang violence in 2011. He dreamed of starting his own community center and his mother has made that dream come true.

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Shalisa Hayes , Billy Ray , Jasmine Brown , Billy Ray Shirley , Statue At Tacoma Eastside Community Center , Eastside Community Center , Ray Shirley ,

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Statue At Tacomas Eastside Community Center Honors Teen Killed By Gang Violence :

Statue at Tacoma's Eastside Community Center honors teen killed by gang violence

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Billy Ray Shirley, 17, was killed in an act of gang violence in 2011. He dreamed of starting his own community center and his mother has made that dream come true.

Related Keywords

Shalisa Hayes , Billy Ray , Jasmine Brown , Billy Ray Shirley , Statue At Tacoma Eastside Community Center , Eastside Community Center , Ray Shirley ,

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