CET- Comunicado - ";ultimaHoraHtml += " " + json.lead + "";}ultimaHoraHtml += ""; document.getElementById("urgente").innerHTML = ultimaHoraHtml; } } }); SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Regarding Danone's press release of 15 March 2021, Daniel J. O'Keefe, Artisan Global Value Strategy Lead Portfolio Manager, and N. David Samra, Artisan International Value Strategy Lead Portfolio Manager, stated the following: "We welcome the actions taken by Danone's board of directors. The appointment of new leadership and better corporate governance will strengthen the company for the benefit of all stakeholders." For media enquiries:Greenbrook (London)Andrew Honnor and Rob White [email protected][mailto:[email protected]]+44 207 952 2000 Steele & Holt (France) [email protected][mailto:[email protected]]+33 6 66 58 81 92+33 6 58 25 54 14