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State-sponsored lies :
State-sponsored lies
“I cannot tell a lie” - George Washington It's like the story of the thief who yelled “Stop, thief!” The dossier against Saddam Hussein that (...)
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White House ,
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Republic Of ,
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Managua ,
Puerto Rico ,
Maine ,
Harlingen ,
Iraq ,
Kuwait ,
Havana ,
Ciudad De La Habana ,
Hollywood ,
George Washington ,
Villa Clara ,
Nasiriyah ,
Dhi Qar ,
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New Yorker ,
Spanish ,
Iraqi ,
Soviet ,
British ,
Nicaraguan ,
American ,
Saddam Hussein ,
Silvio Berlusconi ,
George Tenet ,
Pierre Rigoulot ,
Frederick Remington ,
Ronald Reagan ,
Douglas Feith ,
Saad Abdul Razak ,
Anmar Uday ,
George Bush ,
Ahmad Chalabi ,
John Kampfner ,
Bernard Kouchner ,
Dick Cheney ,
Colin Powell ,
George Bush Jr ,
Pierre Lelouche ,
Joseph Pulitzer ,
Paul Krugman ,
William Randolph Hearst ,
Robert Scheer ,
Lyndonb Johnson ,
Jessica Lynch ,
Yves Rocaute ,
Simon Worden ,
Tony Blair ,
Maria Aznar ,
Pascal Bruckner ,
Sylvester Stallone ,
Ridley Scott ,
Paul Wolfowitz ,
Seymourm Hersh ,
Vaclav Havel ,
Jane Harman ,
Lewis Libby ,
George Shultz ,
Alain Finkelkraut ,
Michael Deaver ,
Johnf Kennedy ,
Donald Rumsfeld ,
El Pa ,
Abram Shulsky ,
William Mckinley ,
Los Angeles Times ,
Iraq Survey Group ,
Office Of Special Plans ,
Office Of Strategic Influence ,
Defence Department ,
Cnn ,
United Nations ,
New York Times ,
Washington Post ,
Iraqi National Congress ,
Rendon Group ,
Un Security Council ,
President George Bush ,
General Dayton ,
Special Plans ,
Vanity Fair ,
Fox News ,
Clear Channel ,
Wall Street ,
Guy Milli ,
Madrid Cort ,
New York World ,
President William Mckinley ,
North Vietnamese ,
Mein Kampf ,
Sandinista Contras ,
Strategic Influence ,
Private Jessica ,
Thenew York Times ,
Toronto Star ,
Black Hawk Down ,
Private Lynch ,
Professor Paul Krugman ,