KEVIN BURNHAM Fri, 04/09/2021 - 2:45pm Capt. Richard G. Spear splashes into the Damariscotta River during its launch at Washburn & Doughty Shipyard in East Boothbay on Friday, April 9. KEVIN BURNHAM/Boothbay Register Gov. Janet T. Mills said at the launching ceremony, “I wish the Capt. Richard G. Spear fair winds and following seas for many years to come.” KEVIN BURNHAM/Boothbay Register Maine Department of Transportation Commissioner Bruce A. Van Note said “We are fortunate that we were able to award this contract to a Maine company ... right here in East Boothbay.” KEVIN BURNHAM/Boothbay Register Washburn and Doughty Associates, Inc. President Katie Doughty Maddox said “The fact that the state need look no further than East Boothbay for new vessel construction is a boon to the state and to the livelihood of many Maine families.” KEVIN BURNHAM/Boothbay Register