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St. Clair Shores takes steps to separate combined
St. Clair Shores takes steps to separate combined
St. Clair Shores takes steps to separate combined sewers
ST. CLAIR SHORES — Taking the first step toward the separation of combined sewers in the Martin Drainage District, City Council approved a flow metering plan to determine how much storm water is within the lines during a rain event.
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United States ,
American ,
John Caron ,
John Hennessey ,
Candice Rusie ,
City Council ,
Madison Court ,
Martin Drainage District ,
Clair Shores ,
Martin District ,
Hennessey Engineers Vice President John ,
Macomb County ,
Frazho Street ,
Bon Heur Street ,
Little Mack Avenue ,
Manhattan Street ,
Blakeland Street ,
American Rescue Plan Act ,
Kip Walby ,
Alexander Drain ,