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SSFL 2022: Fixtures Committee brushes off Arima's "no confid
SSFL 2022: Fixtures Committee brushes off Arima's "no confid
SSFL 2022: Fixtures Committee brushes off Arima's "no confidence motion", after Big 5 confusion
“[…] How can the SSFL decide that an unavailable ground is reason enough to postpone an already rescheduled game in a tournament that has already started a month late—and when there were grounds
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Siparia ,
Saint Patrick ,
Trinidad And Tobago ,
Moruga ,
Victoria ,
Valencia ,
Carabobo ,
Venezuela ,
Trinidad ,
Isaiah Diaz ,
Sharmilla Ramkissoon Samaroo ,
Arima Veldrome ,
Tom Saintfiet ,
Devin Seales ,
Cecile Hinds ,
Darren Maharaj ,
Jeremy Joseph ,
Lasana Liburd ,
Ricardo Jones ,
Jadon Durity ,
Mark Thomas ,
Larry Gomes ,
Criston Cj Gomez ,
Laurence Seepersad ,
Darion Marfan ,
Vishnu Debie ,
Mannie Ramjohn ,
Essiel Seecharan ,
Dexter Francis ,
Gerald Elliot ,
Zachary Joseph ,
Azaad Khan ,
Lindell Sween ,
Dwayne Sheppard ,
Fixtures Committee ,
Holy Cross College ,
Copyright Daniel Prentice Arima Araucans Academy ,
Disciplinary Committee ,
Pro League ,
Bishop High School ,
Championship Division ,
Arima North Secondary ,
Siparia West Secondary ,
North Secondary ,
East Zone Intercol ,
San Juan North Secondary ,
Larry Gomes Stadium ,
Arima Araucans Academy ,
Siparia Sporting ,
Arima North ,
Valencia Secondary ,
Siparia West ,
Ato Boldon Stadium ,
Courtesy Chevaughn ,
Siparia Secondary ,
Arima Old Road ,
Youth Azelia Mills ,
Holiday Snacks ,
South Zone ,
All Sport ,
Boys Big ,
San Juan North ,
High School ,