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Split Dillon Town Council approves public finance agreement
Split Dillon Town Council approves public finance agreement
Split Dillon Town Council approves public finance agreement related to downtown redevelopment
The Dillon Town Council approved a public finance agreement Tuesday, Nov. 7, that will help fund public infrastructure associated with developer Jake Porritt’s proposal to redevelop the town core. The council split 5-2, with Mayor...
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Colorado ,
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Dana Christiansen ,
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Dillon Marina ,
Jake Porritt ,
Carolyn Skowyra ,
Tony Scalise ,
Best Western ,
Dillon Town Council ,
Dillon Ridge Shopping Center ,
Town Council ,
Summit Daily News ,
Mayor Carolyn Skowyra ,
Summit Daily ,
Town Attorney Nick Cotton Baez ,
Skyline Cinema ,
Summit County ,
Best Western Ptarmigan Lodge ,
Lake Dillon Drive ,
Town Manager Nathan Johnson ,