SunStar Special permit required if private schools start classes ahead of general opening DISTANCE LEARNING. Students who are enrolled for school year 2021-2022 will continue to study from home as the government still prohibits face-to-face classes amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. (SunStar file) + June 26, 2021 THE Department of Education (DepEd) 7 said private schools and non-DepEd schools in the region which intend to start their classes ahead of the general school opening for the school year (SY) 2021-2022 may already do so provided they have acquired a special permit from DepEd 7. “Actually, (it’s) dependent on the private schools as to when will be the opening of their classes for SY 2021-2022 as long as it is within the provisions of the law,” said DepEd 7 Director Salustiano Jimenez.