The South Point Casino is, well… different. Very different. And that’s a good thing. First, there’s the unique location. The South Point stands at the southern end of the famous Las Vegas Strip. It dominates the landscape. You can’t miss it. It may very well be the most accessible casino to get into because it can be seen from just about any place in the city and is conveniently located right off the I-15 freeway. Then, there’s the glimmering golden 24-story tower, which is a sprawling oasis in the middle of the desert. Even in glittery Las Vegas, the South Point makes an unmistakable statement of luxury, but without the stuffy pretense and high price tags so common on the Center Strip. And, there are numerous attractions — both gaming-related and non-gaming. The South Point is nationally known for its arena, a 4,400-seat promenade that hosts several major equestrian events each year. Many of the most prestigious horse shows — of all types — are held inside the sporting facility. In fact, up to 1,200 horses can be accommodated inside ...