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South Frontage Safety Fixes Promised :
South Frontage Safety Fixes Promised :
South Frontage Safety Fixes Promised
What will it take for South Frontage Road to be a safe street for pedestrians and cyclists?The city is betting on raised crosswalks, a bike lane, and an…
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Martin Luther King Jr ,
Leslie Radcliffe ,
John Hagmann ,
Raj Mathur ,
Mila Rainoff ,
Melissa Tancredi ,
Sandeep Aysola ,
Giovanni Zinn ,
City Plan Commission ,
South Frontage Road ,
York Street ,
Engineer Giovanni Zinn ,
Parking Director Sandeep Aysola ,
Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program ,
Legion Avenue ,
Howard Avenue ,
Howe Street ,
South Frontage ,
Air Rights Garage ,
Traffic Project Engineer Raj Mathur ,
Martin Luther King ,
Yale New Haven ,
Cedar Street ,
City Plan ,
Road ,
Safe ,
Street ,
Pedestrians ,
Cyclists The ,
City ,
Setting ,
Aised ,
Crosswalks ,
Bike ,
Lane ,
Extension ,
Work ,
Treet 039 S ,
Frontage ,