Some Oxygen For Siddique Kappan, Please? An extraordinary story unfolds, mostly away from public eyes: a journalist is condemned to seemingly endless prison for merely trying to report news. Even a Supreme Court order goes abegging. Mrudula Bhavani 12 May 2021, Last Updated at 10:35 am 2021-05-12T10:35:20+05:30 Also read If democracy is the name of our body politic, freedom is its oxygen. Its most precious resource, without which only the dirge remains to be sung. At a time when the case of Pinjra Tod activist Natasha Narwal and her now-deceased scientist-father Mahavir Narwal is all over the headlines, there’s another unfolding story—of equally dire colours—that has been less than visible. This is the case of Delhi-based Malayali journalist Siddique Kappan.