3:11 pm, Tue December 15, 2020 NAJ President Patsy Edwards Henry and MAJ President Dr. Andrew Manning
The Nurses Association of Jamaica (NAJ) is defending the stance taken by some of its members to not be among the first Jamaicans to get the COVID-19 vaccine next year.
The Ministry of Health has said frontline staff will be included in the priority groups to be inoculated.
However, she says the hesitancy by some nurses is due to fear about the safety of the vaccine.
"It has been said over and over and over that trials for vaccines and any other medications usually take years, They usually try it on rabbits, on rats, on guinea pigs, and these trials have gone pretty fast and they went directly to human trials. So we're not averse to having the injection, the vaccine. It's just that, coming from a society where we are sometimes overly cautious, we have persons on the frontline who may be fearful," she explained.