>>Sameer Yasir, The New York Times Published: 07 May 2021 01:07 PM BdST Updated: 07 May 2021 01:07 PM BdST Soli Sorabjee. Photo taken via Facebook. Soli Sorabjee was 18 when he walked into a record store in Bombay, as Mumbai was then called, and asked for a recording of the Hungarian Dances by Brahms. At home, he took a listen. "); } “I found it nothing like Brahms at all,” he told a television interviewer. “So many different sounds.” But he liked the tune on the presumably unlabelled or mislabelled record and played it again, and then a third time. “It happened to be ‘Tiger Rag’ by the Benny Goodman Trio,” he said. “The bug had bitten.”