C. Peter Herman (BA Yale, 1968, PhD Columbia 1972) taught at Northwestern University from 1972 to 1976 and at the University of Toronto from 1977 until his retirement in 2012. His research (supported from 1978 to 2019 by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) focuses on eating and dieting, with a particular interest in acute situational influences on eating, including social influences. He has served as editor of The Journal of Personality and Appetite. Janet Polivy, PhD., FRSC (Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada), B.S. Tufts University (1971), Ph.D. Northwestern University (1974). Janet Polivy was an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Loyola University of Chicago from 1974-77, and at the University of Toronto from 1977-1980, where she served as an Associate Professor until 1985, and a Full Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the until her retirement in 2013, when she became a Professor Emerita. She was elected to the Council of the College of Psychologists of Ontario in 1994, where she served two 3-year terms, and was Chair of the Registration Committee, Fitness to Practice Committee, Government Relations Committee, a member of the Executive Committee, and Vice-President of the College. She has served on various committees for the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, as well as other professional organizations, and on scientific panels for the US and Canadian governments. She served for 3 years as the treasurer of the Academy for Psychological Clinical Science, and served as Member-at-Large on the board of the Association for Psychological Science from 2010-2013, and on their nominating committee from 2013-2015. She served on the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Psychology Grants committee several times, chairing it twice. Her research has focused on the difficulties of self-regulation and self-change (the False Hope Syndrome), the influences of restrained eating and caloric restriction on cognition, emotion, and behavior, the influences of personality (in particular restrained eating, or chronic dieting), emotion, cognition and socio-cultural factors on eating behavior, and various aspects of body image, media influences and self-esteem. Her research is widely cited, so much so that she was listed by ISIHighlyCited.com as one of the world's most cited researchers (comprising less than one half of one percent of all currently publishing researchers). She won the University of Toronto-Mississauga Research Excellence Award in 2009, and has been an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada since 2006.