SoCalGas and H2U Technologies Partner to Test New Technology that May Make Green Hydrogen at Dramatically Lower Cost Research seeks to confirm that a new electrolyzer and catalyst technology can cut equipment cost in half and reduce cost of ownership by 75% News provided by Share this article Share this article LOS ANGELES, April 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- As hydrogen gains momentum as an important tool to address climate change, Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) announced today it will partner with H2U Technologies, Inc. to conduct demonstration testing of a new, less expensive type of PEM electrolyzer, a device that produces green hydrogen from water and renewable electricity. According to early analysis by H2U Technologies, the cost target of the new technology is half that of current PEM electrolyzers and total cost of ownership over its life is expected to be 75% less. The announcement follows SoCalGas' recent commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions in its operations and delivery of energy by 2045 and to invest in initiatives to decarbonize, diversify, and digitalize its business.