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Snippets of history :
Snippets of history :
Snippets of history
A book containing more than 2,000 pieces of fabric is a beautiful window onto
Victorian Britain—and its rapid economic and societal changes
Related Keywords
India ,
China ,
Hamburg ,
Germany ,
Singapore ,
Honiton ,
Devon ,
United Kingdom ,
United States ,
America ,
British ,
Hannah Wrigley ,
Adam Sykes ,
Anna Kirk ,
Paul Revere ,
Kate Strasdin ,
Barnaby Rudge ,
James Burton ,
Anne Sykes ,
Charles Dickens ,
Dolly Varden ,
Fanny Taylor ,
Maria Balestier ,
Henry Mayhew ,
Kate Greenaway ,
Queen Victoria ,
Thomas Cochrane ,
Singapore Chamber ,
Royal Navy ,
Society For The Promotion Of Education ,
Dress Diary ,
Mrs Anne Sykes ,
Industrial Revolution ,
North America ,
Miss Brennand ,
Mrs Behn ,
Mrs Martin ,
Bostonian Maria Balestier ,