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Smucker bill would block Biden administration effort to boos
Smucker bill would block Biden administration effort to boos
Smucker bill would block Biden administration effort to boost wages for some construction workers
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker introduced legislation earlier this month to block the Biden administration’s changes to prevailing wage calculations for workers on federally funded construction jobs.
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Texas ,
United States ,
Lancaster County ,
Pennsylvania ,
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American ,
Tim Hoy ,
Bob Casey ,
Glenn Thompson ,
Lloyd Smucker ,
Virginia Foxx ,
Us Senate ,
Teamsters Local Union No ,
Technicians Local Union ,
Congressional Budget Office ,
Pennsylvania State Building Construction Trades Council ,
Workforce Committee ,
Department Of Labor ,
Davis Bacon Act ,
Local Union ,
Teamsters Local Union ,
Pennsylvania State Building ,
Construction Trades Council ,
Associated Builders ,
House Education ,
North Carolina Republican ,
Republican Controlled House ,
Powerandpolicy ,
Legislation ,
Labor ,
Labor Amp Industry ,
Wages ,
Wages And Salaries ,
Federal ,