SMTA Offers New Membership Structure SMTA President Martin Anselm and Membership Vice President Rob Boguski outline the SMTA’s new vision and structure for membership. In the plans they share here, Anselm and Boguski paint a vision of a dramatically changed—and improved—membership structure, adding value for each membership level and encouraging increased corporate and personal engagement in SMTA’s programs. Nolan Johnson: Martin, start us off with a quick introduction and then we’ll ask Rob the same question. Martin Anselm: I am the current president of the SMTA. I was elected last year, and I am in the middle of my first term. I was on the board of directors for six years and have been involved with the SMTA on the executive level for quite a while. Prior to that, I was very involved at the chapter level for the Empire chapter here in Western/Upstate New York. I am currently an associate professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology and do research in electronics, manufacturing, and packaging. I worked in industry for over 12 years at Universal Instruments doing root cause failure analysis and customer support.