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Slog AM: Seattle Protests Amazon's Alleged Union Busting, To
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The Stranger's morning news roundup.
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Texas ,
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Washington ,
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Ola Conner ,
Skagit Valley ,
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Tel Aviv ,
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New South Wales ,
Australia ,
Bonney Lake ,
First Hill ,
Kent School ,
Somalia ,
Puget Sound ,
Finland ,
Somalis ,
Israeli ,
Tim Clark ,
Emily Ramshaw ,
Bellingham Herald Bhamherald ,
Hill Seattle Blawg ,
Josh Schwerin Joshschwerin ,
Los Angeles ,
Edward Clarke ,
Chris Rufo ,
Guy Clark ,
Richard Hendricks ,
Benjamin Netanyahu ,
International District ,
New York Times ,
Reuters ,
Al Jazeera ,
Washington Post ,
Cigna ,
Twitter ,
Kent School Board ,
Seattle City Council Member Kshama Sawant ,
Seattle Department Of Transportation ,
Workers Strike Back ,
Socialist Alternative ,
Seattle Times ,
Sydney Brownstone ,
Last Thursday ,
Sound Transit ,
Seattle Department ,
Wandered Lonely ,
Bellingham Herald ,
Capitol Hill Seattle Blawg ,
Kent School Board President Tim Clark ,
Wall Street Journal ,
Josh Schwerin ,
Star Spangled Banner ,
Spangled Banner ,
Texas Observer ,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ,
James Szalapski ,
Heartworn Highways ,
Old Time Feeling ,