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Slate's favorite Slate: 25 years of memorable storytelling.
Slate's favorite Slate: 25 years of memorable storytelling.
Slate's favorite Slate: 25 years of memorable storytelling.
25 years of gripping, amazing, and sometimes just plain “odd” storytelling, in audio and print, chosen by Slate Plus Members and Slatesters alike.
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Iraq ,
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Long Island ,
Eilean Siar ,
Chicago ,
Illinois ,
London ,
City Of ,
America ,
American ,
British ,
Jared Hohlt ,
Aymann Ismail ,
Katy Waldman ,
Jim Sullivan ,
Samuel Fiddian ,
George Floyd ,
Ronald Reagan ,
Timothy Snyder ,
Amy Webb ,
Sara Holm ,
Dahlia Lithwick ,
Rachelle Hampton ,
David Plotz ,
Julia Turner ,
Tom Scocca ,
Catherine Shea ,
Nitish Pahwa ,
Farhad Manjoo ,
Henry Grabar ,
Dan Kois ,
Nicole Rosenleaf Ritter ,
Stevene Landsburg ,
Emily Bazelon ,
Johnm Kowalski ,
Jacob Weisberg ,
Pamela Mcmullin ,
Philip Roth ,
Jamelle Bouie ,
Mark Oconnell ,
Herbert Stein ,
Alex Mizrahi ,
Amanda Hess ,
John Dickerson ,
Chris Molanphy ,
Ashley Feinberg ,
John Swansburg ,
Noreen Malone ,
Billy Joel ,
Joe Hohler ,
Sarah Carroll ,
Daniel Engber ,
Joshua Keating ,
Jan Smith ,
Josh Levin ,
Bruce Springsteen ,
Ron Rosenbaum ,
Sarah Lyall ,
Jesse Rifkin ,
Bill Clinton ,
Crawford Peyton ,
Christopher Cox ,
Brian Palmer ,
Alex Chadwick ,
Pierre Delecto ,
Alex Kozinski ,
Joel Anderson ,
David Duke ,
Megan Abbott ,
Katie Rayford ,
Nick Greene ,
Donald Trump ,
Matt Guthrie ,
Seth Stevenson ,
Heather Schwedel ,
Jesse Jackson ,
Michele Siegel ,
Douglas Dinsmore ,
Willa Paskin ,
Jody Lee ,
Cleo Levin ,
Jon Katz ,
Emily Yoffe ,
Elizabeth Sandifer ,
Molly Olmstead ,
Blake Bailey ,
Jeff Bloomer ,
Leslie Hoffecker ,
Randy Bowers ,
Moira Chouaf ,
Dave Anderson ,
Matthew Ingram ,
Susan Matthews ,
Lili Loofbourow ,
Movie Clubandmusic Club ,
New York Times ,
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Slate Academy ,
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Judge Alex ,
Demoralized Democrats ,
Slate Web ,
Charles Entertainment Cheese ,
Greatest Idea ,
Six Slate ,
Slate Studios ,
Lone Fight ,
How Yacht Rock ,
West Coast ,
Slate Staff ,
Slow Burn ,
Eve Crawford Peyton ,
Why Slate ,
Sofie Werthan ,
New York Times Opinion ,
Bill Carey ,
Nicole Rosenleaf ,