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Six of the best - and worst - Bradford City games in 2021 |
Six of the best - and worst - Bradford City games in 2021 |
Six of the best - and worst - Bradford City games in 2021 | Bradford Telegraph and Argus
QUICK trivia question for Bantams fans as we drift towards the end of another year.
Related Keywords
Newport ,
United Kingdom ,
Mansfield ,
Nottinghamshire ,
Swindon ,
Sussex ,
East Sussex ,
Stevenage ,
Hertfordshire ,
Cheltenham ,
Gloucestershire ,
Hartlepool ,
Essex ,
Jack Payne ,
Lee Angol ,
Elliot Watt ,
Jake Young ,
Mark Cullen ,
Joe Mcnerney ,
Levi Sutton ,
Caolan Lavery ,
Derek Adams ,
Paul Glatzel ,
Yann Songoo ,
Niall Canavan ,
Conor Sellars ,
Danny Rowe ,
Gareth Evans ,
Andy Cook ,
Nick Tsaroulla ,
Elvis Bwomono ,
Mark Trueman ,
Charles Vernam ,
Harry Smith ,
Callum Cooke ,
Theo Robinson ,
Kieron Morris ,
Matty Dolan ,
Mark Oxley ,
Derek Adam ,
Ruel Sotiriou ,
Paudie Oconnor ,
Good Friday ,
Elliot List ,
Paudieo Connor ,
Oli Hawkins ,
Bantam Jack Payne ,
Cardiff City Stadium ,
Jordan Tunnicliffe ,
Valley Parade ,
Bantam Mark Cullen ,
Yann Songo O ,