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Site for the city: how the knights acquired Mt Xiberras, for
Site for the city: how the knights acquired Mt Xiberras, for
Site for the city: how the knights acquired Mt Xiberras, for a cup of water
Legend has it that Grand Master de Valette took over the barren land of Mount Xiberras from the Xiberras family and a silver jug or chalice of water commemorate
Related Keywords
Valletta ,
Malta General ,
Malta ,
Benuarrat ,
San Pawl Il Ba Ar ,
La Valette ,
United Kingdom ,
Maltese ,
British ,
King Ferdinand ,
Humilissima Civitas ,
Sceberras Inguanez ,
Alcune Delle Antiche ,
Monte Xiberras ,
Giovanni Francesco Abela ,
Imperia Bordino ,
Avello Mombron ,
Consiglio Popolare ,
Porta Reale ,
Mount Xiberras ,
Antonio Xiberras ,
Arabi Sciaaret Meuia ,
Oliver Starkey ,
Del Monte ,
Jean Parisot De Valette ,
Sir Oliver Starkey ,
Grand Master ,
Grand Master La Valette ,
Inespugnabile Citta Valletta ,
Invittissimo Fondatore ,
Notitia Terza ,
Ragguardevoli Famiglie ,
Pietro De Mombron ,
Noble Imperia ,
Monteleone Vicere ,
Middle Ages ,