25th April 2021 When he stepped out of a car and sauntered into the venue hosting the final independence talks, the dandy-looking Prime Minister Seretse Khama (sharp suit, slicked-down hair and trimmed moustache) was representing every square inch of what would become Botswana. However, there is a real bad chance that his centenary might be celebrated on only a few square inches in Serowe. Crown Prince Seretse Goitsebeng Maphiri Khama (later Sir Seretse) was born on July 1, 1921 in Serowe and after only 14 years as founding Botswana president, succumbed to pancreatic cancer on July 13, 1980. In 2006 and following years-long lobbying by influential Bangwato, President Festus Mogae declared July 1 a national holiday in his honour. Ever since, a commemorative event has always been held at the Serowe