Simpsons star Hank Azaria apologises for voicing Apu Updated / Tuesday, 13 Apr 2021 17:12 Hank Azaria (pictured in 2018) - "I didn't think about this stuff because I never had to" The Simpsons star Hank Azaria has apologised for voicing the Indian character Apu in the long-running animated series. Azaria, who announced in January 2020 that he would no longer voice a character he had played since 1990, made his comments in an episode of fellow actors Dax Shepherd and Monica Padman's "I really do apologise," Azaria said. "I know you weren't asking for that, but it's important, you know?" "I apologise for my part in creating that and participating in that," he continued. "You know, part of me feels like I need to go 'round to every single Indian person in this country and personally apologise. And sometimes I do."